广州市泓钜电子有限公司是专业从事各类电动车车辆的速度控制器、铅酸电池、各类锂电池充电机,大型充电机设备等产品研发、生产、销售的高新技术企业。公司是由一批有着四十多年以上专业工作经历、丰富的管理经验的工程师和一批年轻的掌握现代高新技术、有创新思想和能力的博士、硕士组建的新兴公司。公司具有完善的设计创新体系和强大的研发能力,可为用户量身订制合格产品。现已为北美的美国、加拿大、墨西哥,欧洲的德国、意大利、瑞典、葡萄牙,亚洲的日本、韩国和台湾等国家和地区的企业以及国内的军工企业、大型电动汽车公司、大型电池生产企业提供了一批高品质、高稳定、高可靠性的充电机和控制器,获得了业内专家的好评。公司和国内多所高校、军工企业保持着密切的合作,他们长期为公司提供技术支持和人才储备,为公司的特大订单提供后援。公司始终把产品质量作为企业生存发展的根本,所有产品严格按照IEC、CE、UL的标准生产。部分产品已通过了CE认证,UL的认证正在进行中…… Company Introduction Guangzhou, Hong LAM Electronics Co., Ltd. is specialized in various types of electric vehiclespeed controller, lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries for all types of machines, equipment and other large charger product development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises.By a group of companies has more than 40 years of professional work experience, rich management experience in a group of young engineers and modern high-tech master, innovative thinking and the ability of doctorate or master's degrees formation of thenew company. The company has improved the design innovation system and a strong research and development capabilities, can be tailored to users of qualified products. North America is now for the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe Germany, Italy, Sweden, Portugal, Asia Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and other countries and regions in the military industrial enterprises and domestic enterprises, large-scale electric vehicles, large-scale battery manufacturing enterprises Tam For a number of high-quality, high stability, high reliability of the chargerand controller, all this was praised by industry experts. Multi-national companies and universities, military industrial enterprises have maintained close cooperation, they long for the company to provide technical support and personnel reserve for the company's large orders to provide backup. Companies always put the product quality as the fundamental survival and development of enterprises, all products in strict accordance with the IEC, CE, UL standards of production. Some products have been certified by the CE, UL certification is in progress
公司名称: 广州泓钜电子实业有限公司 |
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